
Vila Prudente Subway Station

  • Estação do Metrô Vila Prudente
  • Estação do Metrô Vila Prudente
  • Estação do Metrô Vila Prudente
  • Estação do Metrô Vila Prudente
  • Estação do Metrô Vila Prudente

The Vila Prudente Subway Station glass covering has unique technical characteristics. The special glazing with self-cleaning selective solar control glass of 2000m² was placed on a 250 ton steel metallic frame.
The solution provides the illumination and natural ventilation of the underground structure 32m below.
820 panels of 12mm tempered laminated glass were used in the composition of 6mm PVB (Bio Clean + 1.52mm + 6mm Colorless KNT), and 6mm KNT both tempered.
With Bio Clean glass, solar UV rays cause (by photo-catalysis) the decomposition of organic material formed on the surface of the glass, making the glass a self-cleaner via rain.
KNT Internal glass provides a thermal control without the reflected aspect of the glass, easing visible light and filtering the infrared rays that produce the heat.

  • Date:Nov 2010
  • Product:
  • Location:São Paulo - SP
  • Client:Andrade Gutierrez
  • Architect:Metro