
Archive for 2013

The National Day of Architects and Urbanists

The National Day of Architects and Urbanists

If you search for Architect’s Day, you will find many different dates on the internet. However, this date was recently changed. But why, do you know the reason for the new date? The Council of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil (CAU / BR) established in 2011 that the 15th of December would be The National Day of Architects and Urbanists,…read more →

Obras com vidros encapsulados

Obras com vidros encapsulados

A Catedral de Brasília, a Arena Pernambuco, o Metrô Alto do Ipiranga e o Shopping JK, em São Paulo, só pra citar alguns exemplos, têm um aspecto comum: aplicação do vidro encapsulado de silicone nos fechamentos e revestimentos de suas edificações. O sistema, versátil, substitui os convencionais caixilhos metálicos, e consiste em encapsular o vidro em suas bordas com um…read more →

The new standard, which will improve everyone’s quality of life!

The new standard, which will improve everyone’s quality of life!

This year will be marked by a revolutionary new for the construction industry: the NBR 15575 new standard! This standard, called “Housing Performance”, was approved in February and will be published in July. The standard will bring new requirements and prerequisites to transform our current scenario, adding quality and best performance for the next properties to be built. This standard…read more →

World Environment Day!

World Environment Day!

Today, June 5th, is the Environment Day! The word “sustainability” has been discussed and currently being “sustainable” is almost a requirement. Companies have sought to sustainable development, which means meeting present needs and also future generations. People think that economic growth must be increased, along with the use of natural resources, exploring the most of what is in the environment,…read more →

Luxurious and sustainable!

Luxurious and sustainable!

The JK shopping mall is an example of sustainability and its architecture displays luxury. Ecologically speaking, the project saves water and energy, different from others. As an example the system that captures water and reuses it for toilets and gardens and the sensor technology for taps as well, both reinforce the purpose of the project about avoiding wastage. The JK…read more →

Edifício-sede do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho, Goiânia

Edifício-sede do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho, Goiânia

Fachadas duplas contra o sol do cerrado. Com monumentalidade horizontal e fachadas duplas que controlam a entrada de calor, o primeiro edifício concluído do complexo do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho, em implantação na capital goiana, estabelece escala própria em meio a um contexto caótico, resultante da recente verticalização de um bairro predominantemente residencial. O projeto foi o vencedor do concurso público…read more →

The heat and our tropical country

The heat and our tropical country

We live in a tropical country without major natural disasters, but there is one problem that we have gotten used to: the heat! Increasingly we suffer more and more due to the excessive heat, and according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the planet’s temperature may increase even more by 2100. People speak a lot about environmental comfort…read more →

“Flor do Cerrado”

“Flor do Cerrado”

Once again it is worth remembering the authenticity of Oscar Niemeyer. The genius calls the project “Flor do Cerrado”, which is a new monument designed for the digital broadcasting of the entire Federal District. The cylindrical concrete base represents the “stem” of the flower and the glass domes represent the “petals”. The tower is 180 feet tall and each of…read more →